
Building Sisterhood Virtually

Switching from seeing sisters every day to only virtual communication can be jarring, to say the least. Many sorority women are now back at home to finish the semester and the events we look forward to each year have been canceled. Sorority women need the connection to their sisterhood to support them during this time. We may not be together on campus, but that doesn’t mean we need to stop connecting with our sisters for the semester. Below you will find ideas that can build sisterhood virtually and help members stay connected.

Create Self-Love Tips

You can share this via email or social media with chapter members. Taking care of yourself mentally and physically during this time of change is so important. Providing tips from chapter leadership or advisors is a great way to build connection.

Host Virtual Study Hours

Most of us are adjusting to online coursework. We can’t make this adjustment alone. Hosting study hours lets sisters have a scheduled time to focus on school. It also allows them to ask other sisters how they are adjusting and what are they doing that is working. Sharing best practices can help everyone succeed.

Host a Virtual Hobby Night

While everyone would need their own supplies, many sorority women have hobbies. From crafting, completing puzzles, knitting etc., there are ways to make solo hobbies social through Zoom or similar technologies. Sisters get to share something they are passionate about and spend time with sisters.

Create a Facebook Group That All Sisters Can Join

This group can allow sisters to share updates from their life and connect with one another. You could have daily prompts where people can post pictures of their pets or what show they’re watching. This is a great and easy way for members to connect all day long.

Have Big and Little Reveal

Some chapter’s may have already done this for the semester or may not be doing it at all, but if you haven’t yet you can still have a reveal. It sounds weird to host your reveal virtually, but it is possible. Some organizations have had done it like a Guess Who game. They have the little ask questions like “does my big have a pet?” and anyone who doesn’t have a pet would turn off their camera. This would continue until the big is revealed. When you do this reveal, you then give your newer members a person to connect with during all this uncertainty. They have that point of contact to stay connected to the chapter.

Host A Virtual Movie Night

Netflix recently launched Netflix Party that allows multiple people to watch the same movie and speak over group chat. You could also use Zoom during this time so sisters can see one another while watching the movie. Make it festive and encourage sisters to get their favorite snacks and comfiest Pjs.  

Host a Virtual Meeting to Recognize Seniors

Each year many sororities host a send-off party of sorts to celebrate the senior class. There are still ways to do this virtually. Recognize the hard work your seniors have given to your organization, have them share stories of their time in the chapter and give tips to the younger generation. You could have chapter members say goodbye to the seniors and share that they will be missed.

Host Virtual Yoga or Another Workout

Physical activity is important to mental wellbeing. Since many people are stuck at home right now, we aren’t moving our bodies as much. Hosting a virtual workout is a great way to build sisterhood while keeping physically active. Have a sister lead the exercise or contact professional staff from your university. You can also lead this from Instagram or Facebook live so your Panhellenic community can join too!

Have Experts From Campus Speak to the Chapter

Following the guidelines of your university and your member organization, you might be able to have a speaker from campus still speak to your chapter. The topic might differ based on what your chapter needs, but most students need help adjusting to online course loads and self-care and mental health right now. Take a poll from your chapter and try to tailor it to what your members want.  

These are just a few ideas to keep your sisterhood going and allow sisters to connect at a time when we need it the most. All this change allows us to get more creative and think about how we can still connect with one another. On a personal level, you can always reach out to sisters and see how they are doing this time. Everyone is feeling ALL of the emotions and having someone check up on you can mean the world.


Alyssa works at National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) as the digital marketing specialist. She is a member of the Theta Zeta chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. She attended IUPUI, where she earned degrees in public relations and English. Alyssa is a dog lover and podcast enthusiast.

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