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When your student joins a sorority she is gaining new life experience that you may not be familiar with.

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That can create a barrier as you work to stay up to date with her new life at college. If you are familiar, how do you communicate with her about these new experiences? We’re here to help. We’ve compiled some questions to ask your student about:

New member process.

Before your student is initated she will go through a new member process. This is a different process for each sorority but serves a common purpose. The new member process is when your student will be learning about the sorority she joined. She will be educated on the founding of the organization and who the founders were, the values and purpose of the sorority and she will be very excited. Ask her about the organization she has joined and what she is learning.

Her big sister.

In every sorority, your student will get a big sister, or mentor, to help her through this experience. Her big is someone who takes a special interest in the wellbeing of your student. She answers questions about sorority life, takes interest in her academic success and is a shoulder to lean on. You can talk to your student about her big sister as she, as a little sister, also takes a special interest in the wellbeing of her big.


Civic engagement and philanthropy are a huge component of the sorority experience. Sorority women donated thousands of hours and millions of dollars each year to local and national philanthropic causes. Ask your daughter about the philanthropy of her sorority. This will likely get her talking about an upcoming event she is excited for and you can learn more about how she is growing to be a compassionate woman through her philanthropic endeavors.

Leadership Opportunities

There is no shortage of leadership opportunities in a sorority. Students can become a sorority officer, be involved with the College Panhellenic, take leadership roles in committees, attend a leadership conference to hone in on skillsets. Ask your student how she is getting involved in her sorority. The leadership skills she develops in this environment will serve her many years after she has left college. Ask her about the opportunities she has or how she can develop those skills through this experience.

As your student continues her sorority experience she will have new and exciting adventures. If you are stumbling on how to be engaged in her new experience, this is a great place to start. You’re along on this ride with her so stay informed on the experiences she will be having.

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