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So, your student has decided to participate in sorority recruitment and you probably have a lot of questions.

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This can be a huge step and we want you to be a part of it. Throughout recruitment, she will probably call you to digest her confusion, sadness, excitement and anything else she might feel. How do you support her, especially if you aren’t familiar with sorority? Keep reading to find out. 

1. Be part of the process with her

Research the organizations on her campus with her, discuss their values, philanthropies, missions, etc. If you do the preliminary research with her you will be ready to support her during recruitment. Help her decide what she wants out of a sorority experience. You can also review common terminology together. This will help her be prepared and confident when recruitment starts. You can also discuss with her what she wants out of sorority membership. During recruitment, this will guide her decisions and make her choices a little easier.

2. Listen to her

Sorority recruitment is a unique experience due to the long days, meeting a lot of new people and opening up to them quickly. Your student going through recruitment is going to need to process what she is experiencing. During recruitment, there are trained women called recruitment counselors who can help your student work through her feelings. Even with that support, she may be more comfortable talking to you. The most important thing to do is listen to her. She will need you to lean on during this time. 

3. Connect with other sorority members

Look into connecting with sorority women who have been through this experience. Try posting on social media and utilizing the contacts you have. Many sorority members would be willing to speak with potential members and offer advice. They can also answer questions and provide information about the experience. She can also connect with these women during recruitment when she needs someone to talk to.

4. Support her decisions

If you are familiar with sororities, perhaps you or a family member are a member, you have probably heard of legacies. Many family members want their students to join their organization so they can share in that experience, but the truth is this process is about her and what she wants. She will be happier in the organization she wants to join and not the one she feels she has to join. Let her know that you support her in whatever organization she joins because it isn’t about the letters she wears, but being a sorority woman. 

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