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It is becoming increasingly more common for students to transfer colleges/universities and with that comes the question of continuing your sorority membership at your new campus.

Sorority members are granted lifelong membership to their organization which provides lifelong benefits. The Panhellenic Compact, which is a Unanimous Agreement between the 26 member organizations that make up the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), prohibits dual membership. Basically, women are not allowed to join two NPC sororities in their life.

If you transfer schools, you have two options: 

1. If your new college/university has a chapter of your sorority you might be able to transfer into that chapter, following the guidelines for transferring membership set by your organization. You can learn more by contacting the chapter you are interested in transferring to. 

2. If your new college/university doesn’t have a chapter, you would move from collegiate to alumna membership. Though the process does not happen automatically for all organizations. Learn more by contacting your member organization to learn about the process.

Option 1

If your member organization has a chapter at your new university you might have the option to join that chapter. This process will look different for each member organization. Some organizations might require that you just tell your national organization of your transfer. Others might require that the new chapter vote on allowing you to join their chapter. To find more specifics you can contact the new chapter or your inter/national organization.

When you transfer schools, your time as a sorority member doesn’t come to an end.

Option 2

If your new university does not have a chapter of your organization you would move into alumna membership. While that may not be the ideal outcome, there are many benefits and opportunities to alumna membership. But first, don’t forget to follow up with your member organization to follow their process to become an alumnae member.

Sorority alumnae are presented with additional opportunities for growth and involvement as your sorority membership is a lifelong experience. You are able to volunteer for your national organization, network with collegians and other alumnae and more. Alumnae membership can be very rewarding and you can make connections with women around the world due to volunteering and social activities. 


Volunteer with National Organization

Join Alumnae Chapter


If you transfer to another college/university, you can still show your pride as a sorority woman by wearing letters and being active in other organizations on campus. Your memories from your previous chapter and the relationships you built will remain with you for a lifetime. Take advantage of your lifelong membership as you continue to all the sorority experience has to offer.

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