Sorority membership is going to look different this academic year. But the benefits of membership haven’t gone away.
If you’ve thought about joining a sorority this year, you might be asking yourself, “Why should I join a sorority during a pandemic?” No matter where you go to school, campus life is going to look different than it did a year ago. If your campus is returning this fall, you will probably still have to social distance in some way. For others, you might be doing a completely virtual semester. Over time, sororities have changed to fit the needs of women. Today, sorority is adapting to a virtual experience that still provides an opportunity for real, personal connections.
Sorority has always been a place for women to gather, educate themselves, develop as leaders and provide a sense of belonging. These benefits are no exception during a pandemic. Virtual sorority membership provides the opportunity to still have a shared experience where members have social interactions and bond over common interests.

Being a sorority woman can help you make the most out of your college experience.
Find Your Place on Campus
Academic Support
Sisterhood & Support
Community Service
Finding Your Place on Campus
Whether in-person or virtual, sorority can help you find a community on campus. By joining now, you are establishing friendships and a support system that will be there for you when do return to campus for traditional in-person instruction. The College Panhellenic Association, made up of all the Panhellenic sororities on campus, is typically the largest women’s organization on campus. That gives you a large network of women to support you and to make connections with.
Academic Support
Taking college courses can be a big difference from high school classes. Since sororities prioritize academic success, they offer a lot of resources for members. They might host virtual tutoring or study sessions where members can learn and work together. Sororities often host academic excellence programs that help with time management skills or building better study habits. Since you are a study first, your academics should always come first. Sororities recognize this and want to do their part in assuring your success.
Sororities help students acclimate to all the changes that come with being a college student. Did you know all sororities give new members a mentor? These mentors are called a big sister. Your big is the person to help remind you to study for an exam or make sure you’re going to class. She helps you reach your goals and adjust to college life. A big also supports you as a new member in a sorority. She can help introduce you to new people in the sorority community and teach you the ins and outs of sorority membership. This mentor is the person you know will be invested in your wellbeing as you embark on a new journey in your life.
Sisterhood and Support
While we don’t always like to admit it, we all need a little support sometimes. Going to college presents a whole new realm of challenges and opportunities. Your sorority sisters are there every step of the way cheering you on and supporting you when times are tough. If you’re struggling with finding a job near campus, finding a tutor for that really hard math class or need to just vent about life, your sisters are there. Many of them have likely been through the same things and leveraging the connections you make in sorority can help you reach your goals.
In an effort to help students reach academic success and relieve some of the financial burden students feel, sororities offer scholarships to their undergraduate and graduate members. In addition, the national organizations often provide emergency relief funds that sisters can apply for to help them in times of need.
Community Service
At this time, you may not be able to do the typical service activities you are used to. But, sororities are likely to organize service opportunities and find ways to support philanthropic organizations all while classes are virtual. You can still find ways to better your community while practicing social distancing and health guidelines.
Joining a sorority is an experience that can help you make the most out of your time in college and beyond. Going through the recruitment process on your campus is the best way to see if the benefits of sorority membership align with what you want to get out of your college experience. While it can look different this year as campuses move to a virtual recruitment, you can learn more about the primary recruitment process here.