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Congratulations, you did it! You graduated from college and now you’re onto the next step of your journey. Maybe this next step is taking a job on the other side of town, moving in with your parents as you navigate being a college graduate or perhaps you’re on your next level of education and starting your graduate studies in the fall. Wherever your path leads you, always keep in mind that you’re never alone. That’s right, your collegiate sorority experience by no means has to come to an end when you graduate. You joined a lifelong organization and there are many opportunities for involvement and growth as an alumna. 

Did you know there are thousands of Panhellenic and sorority alumnae chapters all over the world? Within the United States alone there are alumnae chapters within every state and most major cities. These are groups of women, with various backgrounds and unique stories that all share the commonality of sorority. Alumnae chapters give you so many opportunities and chances to grow as a woman through all stages of life. Let’s talk about my top five benefits for joining your local alumnae chapter. 

Making Connections In A New City or Town

Although new beginnings are exciting, many find the process of moving difficult and at times intimidating. By looking into your local alumnae chapter before your big move, you can begin to form connections with alumnae who know the ins and outs of living in your new city. Whether it’s knowing where to grab the best take out food in town or simply recommending a new grocery store, the benefits to having experts in your new home is a bonus. Having someone you know in any situation is comforting, especially when moving to a new environment. Exchanging contact information with women in the chapter can help provide peace of mind when you have questions that could only be answered by someone currently living there. 

Job Searching

Networking doesn’t end in college! Take the time to get to know your sisters within your alumnae chapter and think of them as career mentors. If you are looking for a job, definitely don’t be afraid to say that. If anyone can help you land your next job, review your resume or give you interviewing tips, it’s these women. Sisters want each other to succeed and this is no different. Alumnae chapters have a vast group of women who work in many different fields, you’re bound to meet at least one who has held a similar role or one who currently holds a title you one day hope to become. Even if you’re not looking for a new job, it’s always a good idea to have a mentor or someone you look up to in your career field. This mentor will help you become a better professional and guide you to reach your full potential. Your next mentor may be within your alumnae chapter. 

Engagement with the local college chapter

We often limit ourselves and imagine our time in a sorority as the four years of college. I can say with certainty, there are several factors that make me miss college life, especially being an active member within my chapter. When you join an alumnae chapter, another door opens up for you to volunteer with local chapters. I’m sure you can think of at least one woman who advised your chapter that impacted your life in some way. Maybe you saw them cheering you all on as you held your first 5k fundraiser, or perhaps it was weekly during your chapter meetings. If you have the time available in your schedule, take that next step to volunteer with collegians to create lasting impact for the future of your organization!

Sisterhood Beyond College

Yep, you read that right! The sisterhood continues when you join an alumnae chapter. “How?” you may ask. Let me just say that since graduating, Founder’s Day with my alumnae chapter and the local collegiate chapters was one of the most transformative sisterhood events. During the event, I sat back and thought about how every single woman in the room went through the same initiation, went through the same member education and ultimately we were all performing the same ritual to celebrate our sisterhood. During the event, I connected with fellow alumnae that I still talk to and meet up with when I’m in town. Rather than limiting sisterhood within your chapter, joining the alumnae chapter expands your region for sisterhood tenfold.  

Fun, Engaging Activities & Events

Another exciting part of being a member of an alumnae chapter is continuing to have “sisterhood” events. Depending on the chapter, a portion of your alumnae dues will go toward hosting events for you to attend with other members. It’s always nice to drive to the city during the weekend with your local chapter and catch up with dinner and drinks, take an early morning yoga class or just discuss the latest read within your alumnae chapter’s book club. The ideas and opportunities are endless, but nevertheless a fantastic opportunity to have fun with your sisters from all walks of life! 

If you’re thinking about joining an alumnae chapter, the first step is to find what chapters are located close to you via your organization’s website. There may be a chapter several towns away or there may be one in the closest big city. If there isn’t a local alumnae chapter near you for your specific organization, there also are NPC Alumnae chapters across the country too. Join your local alumnae chapter to continue making connections with fellow sisters and furthering your opportunities as a sorority woman – you won’t regret it!

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