Almost two years ago, COVID-19 changed the entire lifestyle of the world. Jobs became remote and school became online. All in-person activities were canceled, and college freshmen never experienced a true first-year experience. Now, schools are back on campus and school organizations can get back into having in-person events. This means that sororities are transitioning back into in-person recruitment, bid day and of course, rituals. If you’re a college sophomore or junior, then this is most likely the first time you’ll be experiencing sorority rituals in person.
Let’s first start off with understanding the importance of new members going through sorority rituals. Rituals have been symbolic for organizations throughout the years. They are bestowed upon the new members and help them understand the values of the organization, while also reinforcing its importance among the active members. Rituals also help reinforce the traditions that the organization has created over the years. But today, rituals have a deeper meaning.
As an undergraduate, I was the director of ritual for my chapter. This position really helped me understand why it’s very important sororities have these rituals for our new members. It’s not just about traditions and order within the organization, but it’s about the ‘coming of age’ for the new members. We see the transition of the new members to officially becoming initiated sisters. It’s like a parent seeing their child go through the many stages of life. I was proud to see my littles transition from new members to the official sisters of my sorority. We continue to strengthen the core values of our organization and teach the new classes its structure and importance all through these rituals
As a chair of the position, I learned about the history of my chapter and how we have grown throughout the years as a sisterhood. I learned how my organization made a big impact at my alma mater and how, to this day, they are still living strong.
Rituals are a part of tradition and they help promote growth and development within the organization. It’s important to teach the new members the values of rituals, as they will become the eldest sisters, one day, and teach the new members its importance.
Encourage your sisters to read the rituals and truly reflect on the purpose of them. All rituals are designed with membership in mind and to reflect an important stage of membership. We must also think about how rituals help identify the significance of each sorority. Every organization is different and rituals are a way to celebrate the individualism that each organization has to offer its members.