Whether you are a potential new member (PNM) or a current member, being familiar with the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) is an important aspect of your sorority experience. NPC consists of 26 women’s-only inter/national member organizations and operates as an umbrella organization working to support and advocate for the advancement of the sorority experience. NPC’s role is to serve as a convener, bringing together the 26 NPC member organizations who guide the work and decisions of NPC.
College Panhellenic Associations
College Panhellenic Associations are affiliates of NPC and can be found on college/university campuses where two or more NPC member organizations have chapters. A College Panhellenic fosters cooperation between sororities and allows the local sorority chapters to collaborate with each other. Elected College Panhellenic officers along with elected delegates from the individual chapters, work in reviewing and approving governing documents and bylaws. College Panhellenic officers organize a primary recruitment for member organizations, collaborate with University faculty and staff, advocate for the sorority experience and much more.
College Panhellenic officers are supported by their University staff as well as NPC. A College Panhellenic offers many leadership opportunities and enrichment experiences for collegiates looking to get involved in a community beyond their member organization. If you are looking to get involved you can reach out to current College Panhellenic leaders on your campus or your sorority delegate.
Alumnae Panhellenic Associations
After graduation, you may find yourself interested in getting involved with an Alumnae Panhellenic Association, another affiliate of NPC. Alumnae Panhellenics offer a bit more flexibility post-graduation and depending on your location. Involvement may be as informal as meeting for regular social events with other sorority members to attending formal business meetings. Alumnae Panhellenics work to meet the specific needs of their community, promoting the sorority experience through public relations, service and scholarships. In some communities, the Alumnae Panhellenic will assist the College Panhellenic in promoting the sorority experience through informational events for potential new members.
Whether you just joined your member organization or have been a member for many years, being knowledgeable of the National Panhellenic Conference and how it supports our individual member organizations on campuses and in communities across the country allows each of us to better advocate for the sorority experience.