
Leadership Within Your Sorority: How to Make the Most Out of Your Term

Being a member of your sorority is such a great honor. You are representing years, decades, or sometimes centuries of women who shared similar qualities that you and your sisters exude today. There is also something to say for those of you who choose to become not only just a leader within your member organization but hold a leadership position as well. A leader doesn’t have to be the president or a person on the officer team. There are leaders all throughout the chapter, and they make the chapter run as efficiently and as cohesively as possible. But if you do hold a leadership position, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Prioritize time management

Keeping yourself prioritized on your schoolwork and sorority obligations is of utmost importance. Sometimes sitting down with your sisters at the beginning of each week and dedicating time to plan events, meetings, and due dates for all important things taking place within your chapter will benefit everyone tremendously.

  1. Rember Your Why

Sometimes having to make tough decisions that may involve your friends can seem overwhelming. Taking the time to continuously remind yourself of your “why” and the core values of why you accepted a bid to your member organization is essential when faced with tough decisions.

  1. Talk with your advisors

Having an advisor at your chapter’s disposal is such a helpful resource to maintain everyone’s health and safety. They are usually alumni of your specific member organization or another Panhellenic alumnus volunteering to help. If ever faced with a tough decision, please consult with your advisor and other members of your chapter leadership to make sure that your decision or course of action is the best for you and the rest of your sisters.

  1. Set Goals

Creating goals for your leadership term is so important. This allows you to lay out your top priorities and communicate them with the rest of your executive board. This also allows you to be transparent with the other members of your chapter and allows you to accomplish all of the things you hope to do within your time of leadership.

Liz Lamkin

Liz Lamkin is a Marketing Intern at the National Panhellenic Conference! She is currently a senior studying Marketing and Business Law at Butler University and is a part of Alpha Phi (Epsilon Beta) chapter there on campus.

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