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Sorority women come from every corner of the Earth, from different backgrounds with varying beliefs, experiences and goals. United through sisterhood, these women impact more than just the people around them. They are changing the world.
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National Panhellenic Conference

Made up of 26 women’s-only inter/national member organizations, the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) is...

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Grace's Story
"My primary goal in holding a position in my College Panhellenic was to educate the fraternal community on the LGBTQ+ community and make our chapters more welcoming to queer individuals."
Phoebe's Story
"I want to help our doctors and nurses (by sewing face masks) who are risking their lives to protect our community."
Stephanie's Story
"I want my daughter, and every little girl with a dream, to know that no matter how large your dream is, it is always possible to achieve it."
Jen's Story
Jen's business started with a simple Craigslist ad and has launched a career of speaking engagements, career coaching, book writing and working as a bridesmaid for hire.
Christy's Story
"By the end of college and my years as a collegiate Alpha Chi, I had developed more confidence in myself and was encouraged that anything was possible.”
Hadas's Story
Hadas was named one of the "most influential media reporters" by Mediaite in 2017.
Lexie's Story
"Victims need to be reminded that they are valuable human beings who deserve to feel true, wholesome love. They deserve to have self-worth and confidence, and that’s why I ride - to give these girls hope.”
Rebecca's Story
“If I can clean up all of Laos in my dad’s name this feels like the most important work I’ve done.”
Jessie's Story
“People don’t realize that everything from climate to nutrient and weather cycles are impacted by marine science."
Safra's Story
"My best decision was to choose to go to Wall Street over law."
Camille's Story
“I just really cared about there being a space like Delta Gamma for future versions of myself to have.”
Macy's Story
"They [sorority women] didn’t care about my age, what I dealt with or where I came from. I felt myself finally opening up and connecting with other women on a level I didn’t know I could."
Natalie's Story
“It took me extra time to get here, but I’m grateful for all the life experiences I gained.”
Susan's Story
"In college, you start to formulate issues important to you. The bonds of Sisterhood help to solidify this desire as a woman to care, protect, respect, and find justice for other women."
Stacia's Story
As an adolescent, Stacia had three passions: attending school, cheering on the Denver Broncos with her father, and skiing. The first time she went skiing she was three, years before she would find herself on a snowboard and years before she would be the first woman named to the U.S. Snowboarding team in the 1994-1995 season.
Rebecca's Story
"To the women going through recruitment, don't be afraid to challenge the norm. No one sorority looks the same, and neither do you. Be yourself above all else and join a chapter to better yourself and your community."
Camille's Story
“I am benefiting hop growers across the nation. Having that impact kept me interested and excited to share my work."
Blonde woman smiling.
Ashley's Story
"They held hands and embraced me as I reminisced about my dad and the resilience of my family. That cold winter night quickly became warm with the support of my sisters. We were instantly forever bonded."
Nimisha's Story
"I thought my various different identities would make it hard for me to find a place where I truly connect with people on a personal level but to my surprise, I found my place where I met my sorority sisters."
Lori's Story
“I find myself always asking the same question: ‘How can I fix it so that this doesn’t happen again?’"
Brittany's Story
"Since I have announced my participation on “Project Runway,” all my sisters have shared my posts, fashion pictures, and told me how proud they are that I worked hard enough to get this amazing opportunity."
Kyle's Story
“Providing children with new books means bedtime stories, but the books mean more than that. Most of all, they mean hope for the children who receive them.”
Tracy's Story
“The CIA recruiter was very interested in what I had been doing as standards [chairman]. He felt it helped me be a good candidate.”
Lizzy's Story
"I knew I wanted to run the show. I started interviewing for CEO jobs and got rejected because I had never been a CEO. Men with a similar background or less experience were getting the roles instead."
Erika's Story
"My love for my patients is mirrored by the love my fellow sisters showed me, the grace they gave me, the encouragement they never stopped providing."
Gianna's Story
"When I decided I wanted to serve my College Panhellenic, my goal was, and still is, to inspire women and be a role model. Now, I am the first Black College Panhellenic Association president."
Kathryn's Story
"Tragedy brought our community closer together and we are now stronger because of it, but where is that energy when we’re doing proactive work instead of reacting to a tragedy?"
Zoe's Story
“My dream role is one that probably hasn't been written yet – I'd love to have more opportunities to originate some.”
Young woman smiling
Katie's Story
“It is up to each of us to find ways to bridge the gap with the tools we have at our disposal."
Joslyn's Story
“I am a better person, daughter, friend and co-worker because of Chi Omega.”
Olivia's Story
"At points, I would let it [epilepsy] define who I was and take control of my life. At the point I decided to create the nonprofit, it was a decision to say, ‘That’s it. I’m not letting it take ownership of who I am.'"
Kristin's Story
"A friend's daughter died by suicide because she thought she was lesbian. This is what put me over the edge and I knew I had to finish my book."
Ivy's Story
“Through this internship, I found my passion for advocacy and realized how many more opportunities I could have to help others if I earned a law degree."
Kathryn's Story
“I am really proud to be an Alpha Sigma Alpha. I wanted to show people that ASA is great and we can do anything we want.”

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