A Letter to Women Starting College This Fall

To all the women going to college this fall,

I am writing to you, the class of 2024! I hope you are excited and ready to start on a journey of a lifetime. No matter what college/university you are attending, l I can promise you one thing, these upcoming days will be some of the best times of your life. You will meet people that you never even knew you needed in your life, but they will be some of the biggest blessings you receive in college. You will have experiences that shape you as a person and lead you on paths you never dreamed of. I hope you embrace this experience and take this chance to try new things.

Now, you might be wondering whether or not you should go through the recruitment process to join a sorority at your school. And while recruitment might look different this fall due to COVID-19, if you were to ask my opinion, I say do it! I don’t just say this because I spent the past four years in my chapter, but I say it because you have a chance at a variety of leadership opportunities, true friendships and memories that won’t be made without this opportunity.

Then again you might be thinking “I’m just not into the whole sorority thing” or “I could never see myself in a sorority.” If you are this girl, then I completely understand where you are coming from. Coming out of high school I had no intention on joining a sorority. It wasn’t until I went to my university admitted student’s day and met the women in all of the different sororities, that I could really see myself fitting in with them. Sorority isn’t like you see in movies. There is more too it. It is being apart of an organization that is over 100 years old with hundreds of thousands of other initiates. The women in sororities have goals and aspirations to change the world and their community for the better. They encourage one another and have built me up in ways I never could have imagined.

After I met those sorority women, it got me thinking about everything I could experience while being a member. I knew I wanted to get involved in something during my time in college, and lucky for me I was introduced to sorority life early on. I was still skeptical during the formal recruitment process and didn’t know what to expect. It wasn’t until I walked into Pi Beta Phi’s room that I was sold on the idea of sorority membership. The women I met really understood me, and they had me laughing through all of our conversations. When I left the room I knew I wanted to go back and continue talking to them. I could see myself studying, getting coffee and having movie marathons with the women in this chapter. It was because I kept an open mind and tried the process, even though I was skeptical, that I made one of the best decisions of my life to become a member.

It was because I kept an open mind and tried the process, even though I was skeptical, that I made one of the best decisions of my life to become a member.

When the first day of recruitment ended I heard all the girls in my group talking about the feelings they were having about other chapters on campus. It was the same gut instinct feeling I had when I was with the women of Pi Beta Phi. It is true what they say about getting a feeling when you have found your home in a sorority. Trust the process and keep your options open. Recruitment is a wild ride, but what comes after is even better. I wouldn’t have traded my experience for the world.

Throughout my four years, I held leadership positions in both my chapter and on my College Panhellenic. These experiences gave me skills that are going to help me throughout my career and whatever I decide to do in the future. I became a stronger woman because of my sorority experience and I know that you can too.

Being in a sorority will allow you to have a sense of family away from home and a community you call your own! I was pushed outside of my comfort zone and able to grow in new ways. I hope you participate in recruitment and really give it a shot because, while my four years in college are ending, I know that membership will follow me long after graduation. My sorority membership is for a lifetime and I know I will continue to grow thanks to Pi Beta Phi.

Thanks for reading!


Jessica Williams

Jessica Williams

Jessica is a member of Pi Beta Phi from the Virginia Delta chapter. She has a degree in human services and is currently seeking a degree in public administration. She loves to ride her bike, especially by the beach.

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