Finding a Personal Connection to my Philanthropy

My tie to my sorority’s philanthropy looks different from a lot of my sisters. During sorority recruitment, you are given so many opportunities to learn about the impact philanthropies have on each sorority. After each round, I heard women talk about their personal ties to specific philanthropies. For example, many of girls in my chapter felt connected to Kappa Delta’s philanthropies, Prevent Child Abuse America (PCAA) and Girl Scouts of the USA, through being former Girl Scouts. I never had that experience. I didn’t have a direct tie with my philanthropy so I found my connection to philanthropy in a different way.

I was able to find my tie to my chapter’s philanthropy through our values and motto. The values that I connected so deeply to during recruitment went hand-in-hand with my chapter’s philanthropic efforts. I was drawn to the strong emphasis on confidence and how that inspired their philanthropic efforts.

Kappa Delta sisters take the motto “Go Confidently” with us in all aspects of our lives. We live our lives inspiring and encouraging that same confidence in the people around us. Between the strong emphasis on building confident and safe homes through PCAA and the idea of hands-on work with the local Girl Scouts, I was captivated by Kappa Delta’s service in their community. The beauty of supporting two different philanthropies is that we can see change directly and indirectly through our efforts as a chapter. This may look like helping Girl Scouts earn badges and feel more confident navigating areas in life that may be unfamiliar to them. Or it can look like creating fun philanthropy events supported by our friends, families and students to support our local PCAA shelter.

After recruitment, you don’t have to give up your passion for other sorority’s philanthropies. As a Panhellenic community, we all participate and help other chapters reach goals to support their individual causes. This looks like buying philanthropy dinner tickets from a few friends in the same chapter, sending out flyers to spread the word and confidently supporting each chapter’s philanthropy!

Philanthropy is one of my favorite aspects of sorority life because each organization gives back to communities in need. Finding your connection to philanthropy is one of the best parts of sorority life. The impact giving back can have on you and the greater Panhellenic community is truly amazing.

McKenna Wales

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