There’s no better joy than getting your membership badge after initiation and finally being able to wear it to chapter. Every sorority has its own unique badge, complete with jewels, colors and meanings that focus on all the important values that exemplify your sorority.
My Delta Gamma Badge
When Delta Gamma was first founded, our three founders chose for the badge to be shaped like the letter H, to represent Hope. As the years went on the badge transformed before it finally ended as an anchor. Though the shape has changed, the message has stayed the same. Delta Gamma stands for hope; hope for Delta Gamma, hope for the members and hope for the future.
My membership badge makes me feel like I belong in my chapter as I belong among these amazing women who are by my side every day. Every time I see my badge, I am reminded of the unity that comes with it. Through trying times, and through happy times, my badge has stayed on.
The Meaning Behind the Badge
It is an honor and a privilege to be able to wear your membership badge. It signifies that the women who have come before you have seen the potential you have to offer your chapter and to offer the community and have chosen you to carry on their legacy. As a sorority woman, you often hear the phrase “you are always wearing your letters.” This phrase means that you are always representing your sorority and your chapter, even if you aren’t physically wearing your sorority letters. When people see you, they think of your chapter, and you must remember the privilege and responsibility that comes with that.

Every time I am able to put my badge on, I think of it as an opportunity to educate people on all of the amazing things my chapter and my sisters have done. I see it as a way to showcase the amazing philanthropic work we do for Service for Sight, both locally and worldwide. I see it as a way to show our community and my alma mater how beneficial sorority life, and the community we have built, can be.
Being part of Delta Gamma has given me an amazing ability to interact with the people, not only my chapter but also chapters from other states. One of my favorite stories about finding a sorority sister from another chapter happened when I was in London for vacation. A woman saw me wearing a Delta Gamma sweatshirt and came over to talk to me and tell me that she was also a Delta Gamma from Tennessee. This moment was so special and makes me think all the time; what would life have been like if I didn’t join Delta Gamma? What would life be like if I didn’t have this amazing opportunity to wear a badge that represents these values that I hold dear? My badge connects me to all the Delta Gamma women worldwide. I may not know them all personally, but we are connected in values and sisterhood.
My badge isn’t just important to me, it is important to all of those around me. There is not a doubt in my mind that without my sorority and without my badge, I would not be the same woman I am today. I am so proud to be a Delta Gamma and to carry on the legacy for the rest of my life. The next time you see a sorority woman wearing her badge, ask her what it means to her and I promise you, you will not be disappointed.