Why Sorority Values are Important

When going through recruitment, it is essential to understand that the sisterhood you are about to become a part of aligns with who you are. When you are involved with your sorority, you grow, learn, and develop your core values. So why is it important to know a member organization’s values? We are here to divulge how you and your sorority can establish what is essential to both of you.

Write down some of your favorite people in your life

Creating a physical list can really help you realize what you may have been thinking internally, by actually writing down those thoughts onto a page. Whether you are an avid journal keeper, or new to this idea entirely, it’s so important to sometimes write down how you feel. By writing down people you admire, you can quickly draw the connections between them as to why they are a role model for you, or as to why you keep them in your inner circle. It can be anyone from your parents, teachers, favorite characters from a novel, or even an artist like Taylor Swift. Whomever it may be, if they are important to you- figure out why.

Create goals for yourself

This notion may be a bit repetitive, but creating personal and/or professional goals for yourself is something that’s really important to know before going through recruitment. Deciding who you want to be or what you want to do later in life is essential when deciding the appropriate path for you now. The goals can be big, small, or anything in between. Just as long as they clearly define your aspirations and why they are important to you.

Talk with a close friend or family member

Something that may help you when defining your goals for yourself or your ideal sisterhood, is learning how others see you through their eyes. This may be difficult to understand at first, but sometimes what we think we do and what we actually portray may be different. Asking those who you deeply trust and can freely talk to what they may see from their perspective, is important when completing a holistic view of who you are as a person.

Your Sisterhood is YOUR Sisterhood

Whether you are a high school student considering going through recruitment, or an upcoming senior already embarking on your sorority experience, the values you set for yourself define the type of organizations and life experiences you wish to become a part of. This time within a sorority can help you grow as a person, and understand who you are, and what you want to be. Creating a sisterhood that embodies what you hold near and dear to your heart will only benefit you and your sisterhood in the long run.

Liz Lamkin

Liz Lamkin is a Marketing Intern at the National Panhellenic Conference! She is currently a senior studying Marketing and Business Law at Butler University and is a part of Alpha Phi (Epsilon Beta) chapter there on campus.

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