Do you have questions about Panhellenic recruitment and sorority membership?

National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) staff walk through the recruitment process, benefits of membership and more. You’ll also get to hear from current collegians about their experience as sorority women.

Learn More About Sorority Membership

Is Sorority Right for Me?

Do I want to join a sorority? That is a question that many young women attending college ask themselves. Sorority offers students a way to get involved on campus and become connected with like-minded women. But, how do you decide if being a sorority woman is for you? Read on to learn more.

Three women standing together smiling

Bringing Your Authentic Self to Sorority

Sorority women don’t want you to water yourself down, minimize your history or hide your identities. To hide who you are, or feel pressure to tone/code switch isn’t fair to you. Your history and identity matter to us because it matters to you. More than ever, the women in our organizations want to know you. The real you.

Is Sorority Worth It in a Virtual Enviornment?

Sorority has always been a place for women to gather, educate themselves, develop as leaders and provide a sense of belonging. These benefits are no exception during a pandemic. Virtual sorority membership provides the opportunity to still have a shared experience where members have social interactions and bond over common interests.

Panhellenic Locator Map

This interactive map lists location and contact information for all Panhellenic communities. You can use this map to learn more about sorority life on the college or university that you will be attending by viewing website and/or social media account information.


Alyssa is a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha. She attended IUPUI, where she earned degrees in public relations and English. Alyssa is a dog lover and podcast enthusiast.

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