If you are a college woman going through sorority recruitment, then chances are you will be nervous and have no idea what to talk about. But that is okay. We all want to make a good first impression, so just relax. I was nervous during my recruitment weekend but writing down my questions helped me keep the conversation going. The trick is to remember you are making a friend. Ask questions that you want to know about a friend.

Here are some questions that you can ask during recruitment.

Going through recruitment is about you finding your home and the best way to do that is by having all the answers to your questions and getting to know the women in each sorority on campus.

One major tip when asking questions is to be confident. Don’t be afraid to ask something that you are truly curious about. Chances are, you might bond over the question that was asked.

Make sure you are ready for recruitment by learning more about the process here.

Written by Amanda Cruz

Amanda Cruz

Amanda is a member of Alpha Sigma Tau from the Beta Omega chapter. Amanda attended Monmouth University where she received a bachelor’s in business administration.

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