It is a common misconception that only a certain type of woman can join a sorority.

The NPC sorority experience is for all women who choose to join. The truth is that not every woman in the world will find that she wants to be in a sorority, and that’s okay! Recruitment provides a safe and educational space to make this discovery. Let’s look at who might want to join a sorority by discovering what the experience can provide members. 

Sisterhood & Friendship

A huge portion of membership is the sense of belonging and friendships gained.

This is what encourages many women to join a sorority. When women go to college they may find themselves searching for a place to call their own. For many women, it is their first experience being away from the support system they have known. Finding a supportive space on a new campus can be difficult. For many women, Sorority offers them this safe and supportive space. Many sorority members call this sisterhood.

Sisterhood is a feeling of purpose and belonging. It is feeling safe to be yourself and speak your mind in a room full of women and still feel completely supported. It is something women may not always get to experience in their everyday life and sorority is a space meant to empower women to be unabashedly themselves. These relationships last long after women have graduated college making it a lifelong benefit to members.

Leadership & Lifelong Skills

Leadership is a huge portion of sorority membership in developing skills that employers will want to see in collegiate graduates.

Members learn how to communicate effectively with others and handle conflict resolution. They also learn how to work on a team and manage their time wisely. These are just a few of the marketable skills members gain throughout their sorority experience.

Among the skills gained is leadership. Members are provided with a multitude of leadership opportunities. Sororities are run by students with support as given by alumnae members. That leaves collegiate members to take leadership positions to plan events, handle the financials, organize member educations and more. To prepare students for these roles there are leadership conferences. At these events, students learn tools to better themselves and their organizations.


Participating as active citizens to improve both campus and local/state/federal communities is a value sorority women possess.

Sororities work to instill the understanding/value that civic engagement is important. Improving the community and volunteering teaches women of all ages compassion and understanding.

Each year, sorority women raise millions of dollars for philanthropic causes and donate hundreds of hours of their time. Undergraduate members will organize and plan fundraisers for national philanthropic partners. In addition, many chapters will give their time to local organizations and create partnerships with them. Civic engagement is encouraged for all sorority women.


Collegiate sorority members are still developing who they are in the world.

Having a group of supportive women keep you accountable is huge. This accountability includes a wide range of things in a young woman’s life including academics. Staying accountable for your academic endeavors is huge when members lose all motivation. Member organizations have a chapter member who is specifically charged with motivating members academically. While sorority can be exciting there are times when members must pick studying over attending a sisterhood event and that can be hard.

Each sorority will have a chapter member charged with keeping members academically accountable. She will be there to assist members and encourage them when they need it most. She will be a support system for tough courses, providing academic campus resources, rewarding successes and more. 

These are just a few of the benefits provided to sorority women who join an NPC organization.

If these qualities stand out, perhaps joining a sorority is the right option for your student. College can be hard enough, having a group of supportive women can ease the transition and even prepare women for life after college.


Alyssa is a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha. She attended IUPUI, where she earned degrees in public relations and English. Alyssa is a dog lover and podcast enthusiast.

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