Finding my sorority was one of the best moments of my college career. It’s exciting finding your home away from home and creating lifelong friendships. Every sorority is unique and holds unique values, but how can you find which sorority is the best fit for you?
Here are a few tips that will help you find the right sorority for you:
1. Research
Perform some research on the sororities on your campus. There are educational websites about the sorority community, like TheSororityLife. You can also find more information on sites like the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) website. Each inter/national sorority has its own website that explains its missions, goals, history, philanthropy and much more. You can also learn more about the sorority community on your campus by visiting our Panhellenic Locator Map. This is a great way to help indicate what sororities may interest you.
2. Connect with Sorority Women on Campus
Create the opportunity to connect and make friends with sorority women on your campus. There are sorority women who are highly involved with campus activities, making it possible for you to connect with them! Personally, I had some classes with Alpha Sigma Tau (AST) women and was able to introduce myself and get to know them. It’s a great opportunity to connect with the sorority women on campus and ask them questions about their organization, their experience, and their values. It gave me a good indication of who I felt a deep connection to and what “kinds” of people I work with.
3. Attend Sorority Events
There are plenty of sorority events that are held throughout the academic year that are open to campus life. You may see some sororities at a table to share information about their philanthropy or recruitment. You may also see sororities at activities around campus like homecoming or involvement fairs. This gives you a chance to ask them questions about their philanthropy and other services they provide for the community while getting to know more about what sorority life is like on your campus.
4. Partake in Recruitment
Partaking in sorority recruitment is the most common way that college women find their sorority. Recruitment is the process that involves potential members meeting all the sororities on their campus and connecting with them. This is where you will get to ask questions and learn more about what it means to be a sorority woman. Recruitment is also where you decide which sorority is right for you.
If you’re interested in joining a sorority, think about why you want to join and what you look for in joining an organization. Consider what you are looking for and what each organization can offer you?
In conclusion, finding the right sorority for you is like finding the right company you want to work at. It’s more than just the letters, but more so about the sisterhood that a sorority provides. You want to find an organization that values you.