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Now, you have the ability to impact the lives of other young women considering sorority life.

Join us and share how your sorority experience shaped you and prepared you for what came next. We are collecting stories from other sorority women like you to feature on TheSororityLife.Com and in our e-newsletter.

Example Stories

Janet's Story
“It changed my life,” Janet says. She realized,” You can actually be yourself, and there’s a place for you where you will fit in, where you don’t have to be somebody else."
Stacia's Story
As an adolescent, Stacia had three passions: attending school, cheering on the Denver Broncos with her father, and skiing. The first time she went skiing she was three, years before she would find herself on a snowboard and years before she would be the first woman named to the U.S. Snowboarding team in the 1994-1995 season.
Natalie's Story
“It took me extra time to get here, but I’m grateful for all the life experiences I gained.”

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